EliteScore Restoration

How to Transition From A Low Credit Score to A High Credit Score And Get Better Deals

  • Is there an error on your credit report affecting your score?
  • An account you don’t own shows up on credit your report?
  • Is there any incorrect payment history on your credit report?
  • Incorrect identity information, such as wrong name, phone number or address?
  • Accounts that belong to another person with the same or similar name to you on your credit report?
  • Fraudulent accounts resulting from identity theft on your credit report?
  • Closed accounts, such as credit cards or car loans, that are reported as open?
  • Incorrect late or delinquent status on accounts?
  • Repeat listings of the same debt on your credit report?
  • Incorrect current balance or incorrect credit limit showing on your credit report?

EliteScore Restoration is a credit repair company that mostly work by deleting negative information from your credit report.

Think about the struggles you’re having trying to obtain credit right now, rejection after rejection.

Ouch! That must be painful right?

Maybe you’re trying to get on the property ladder with your first mortgage, or you’re looking to finance a brand new car!

After receiving a ”no” “no, sorry”, or “we can’t help you” and now your patience is running out!

You need (and want) to get to the bottom of this and live a clean life going forward.

You may have mismanaged your finances as a young adult through unpaid university loans, a defaulted mobile phone contracts or a defaulted utility bill. Do not worry about this as none of the above is your fault, you did not have a solid financial education enough to understand how these mistakes would have an impact on your future life.

You can see something historical has happened on your credit file and worse, you could even be a victim of fraud meaning you are restricted in your financial dealings now. You can’t even get a mortgage to buy your dream home. Yes the restrictions are real

In fact, your life is stuck in limbo – because your credit score is way too low. This sounded like bad news but now there’s good news because EliteScore Restoration will help you fix this.

The good news is that “there is a fix’’. This can totally be resolves and when it is fixed, you will have a great life.

Hi, I am Mary Ayisi-Boadu. After working with the UK’s big banks, I have learnt a lot in corporate and personal finance and realised without a good credit, you can’t even get a good job so it made me more disciplined with my finances up to today. I also know a lot of people who mismanaged their finances and are living a miserable lifestyle with bad health. It made me realise that the biggest thing people need for a better life is good credit. It was at this point I started to understand the system, and became obsessed with learning about it and have kept an excellent (999) credit score for years.

I know that you will more than likely be refused credit if your score is less than 881, so I’ve made it my mission to help you finally fix your own credit score and get it to 999 where it should be. And I’m offering a done for you credit fix. All you have to do is to pay the fee and supply your details and I will contact you as soon as possible to start the process.


Finally put an end to the constant rejections and high interest rates offered with a poor credit history, by taking your low credit score to reach its maximum 999 potential…

Know that sometimes it can take from 6 months to 24 months to clear bad records, have patience and trust the process.

For now, let’s get your credit score fixed by removing all the restrictions from your credit file. It will save you lots of money. Previous high interest will become low interest, rejection for credit applications will become acceptance. Mortgage, Credit Cards? Loans? Yes please with good rates.
